Sex appeal, beauty, it truly is not what society tells us, but more about how we feel in our own skin.

“I want to lead by example. I want to show (other women) how to love themselves.” We are so excited about our current project, Body Love, it is an initiative to spark change in our community and the world, by building up and celebrating women for the incredibly diverse and multifaceted individuals they are. Amanda […]

To all the women who cross my path who have felt too small or too large, unseen, powerless, this body of art is for you. I celebrate the connection women have with the divine. I celebrate the divine in all women, no matter their shape, size or age.

If you’re at a place where you are ready to celebrate the divine in you, to reclaim (or truly claim for the first time) your joy, I’m looking for collaborators.

I bought into the message that I am worth LESS, that I should take up less space, be quieter, that my femininity equals weakness and that my value (or lack of) comes from something other than simply being human.