How would experiencing Divine connection with yourself and celebrating who you are change the world around you?

My name is Jody. I am a mom of four, wife, business owner, a friend, and an artist.
For years, I was comfortable to stay behind the camera, glorifying my subjects, and at the same time, hiding myself. I’ve always worked really hard creating an experience that enables my subjects to find divine connection within themselves. As I’ve followed my interests and my business has evolved, my focus, more and more, has been the divine power that each woman possesses. I’ve documented women giving birth, celebrating their freedom of expression, and struggling to find their way through grief and loss. In my art, I search out and capture women expressing the immense power they possess.

“I bought into the message that I am worth less”
Because for years, I bought into the message that I am worth LESS, that I should take up less space, be quieter, that my femininity equals weakness and that my value (or lack of) comes from something other than simply being human.
I believed all the ‘shoulds’: what dress size I should fit into, that my face should be wrinkle free, that my saggy skin should be covered and that I should dress a certain way. The ‘shoulds’ in my head were toxic and full of so many lies. Getting my needs met was always last on my list; in my eyes, taking care of myself was a selfish act. Through the lens of my camera, I’ve watched women in every stage of life rediscover (or discover for the first time) their true beauty – the beauty of what I believe is the divine. I’ve watched many beautiful and joyful women doubt themselves as the old familiar narrative would start to play in their heads. Women who were at their happiest and freest allowing self doubt to sneak in and sabotage the celebration of their divine self.

Because of these experiences and my attempts to show each of them how truly beautiful – divine even – they are, I realized how damaging my own internal monologue was to me. As I started to change the negative ‘shoulds’ for positive ones, like I should take time for me and love myself more, I began to find joy in small accomplishments that culminated in larger achievements. I realize that I do love me, and I can hold space for myself, to be healthy and more importantly, happy. I can fully embrace my body’s wrinkles, sagging skin, stretch marks, and all the stories they tell. When I look at my stretch marks, I see my four beautiful children and how much joy they bring me. The laugh lines on my face tell the story of a life of love and laughter.

“This is me in my most exposed form”
Flipping the narrative in my own mind has set me free to fall in love with my body for the first time and to be thankful for every inch. Acknowledging that my body was created to help me accomplish the work that’s been set for me has been a freeing experience. This is me in my most exposed form. It’s not perfect by society’s standard but it’s perfectly ME. I refuse to make my skin smooth and flawless. Fake has no room in my life anymore, nor in my art. Discovering this divine connection to myself has changed not only my life, but the lives of those around me as well. I am able to fully show up, head held high, shoulders back, thankful. I am present, willing to hold space for and help others experience the same connection. When you let go of the ‘shoulds’ you find freedom to be exactly who you are meant to be. Freedom not to worry about whether the space you take up is little or too big. When you come to this place inside yourself, you can change your world.

“It’s perfectly me.”
So now, I’m giving back. To all the women who cross my path who have felt too small or too large, unseen, powerless, this body of art is for you. I celebrate the connection women have with the divine. I celebrate the divine in all women, no matter their shape, size or age.
If you’re at a place where you are ready to celebrate the divine in you, to reclaim (or truly claim for the first time) your joy, I’m looking for collaborators.
“Hey Lovely, welcome! You’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and into confident YOU!”
Apply to be a part of our project and share your story!